世傳魷魚羹History Unfolds


For almost 35 years already, the local restaurant selling squid potage soup has accompanied its customers through their lives. This time it has returned with its grand new look representing its history of its delicious local food and unforgettable memory with customers.

Walking on the street, the restaurant stands out from the rest of the shops with its new cloth in wooden bars interweaved contrasting with the steady stones. Symbolically, two main materials used here for exterior design represent the long history of its food, service, and memory. Both materials take time to form. The heaviness of the stone stands for the importance, whereas the wood stands for the flexibility and hospitalit, interweaving into a great long history holding up the restaurant.

As for the dining area, the interior design here beautifully echoes the facade. With its similar use of materials and color palette: Earthy colors as the furniture to welcome and take in the guests, whereas the clean achromatic colors and the stones hold up the space.